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Thursday, October 22, 2020

at the onset of think

at the onset of think,

where the half-life of think

is not substantive enough 

to register as thought,

experience becomes a free-fall account,

without memory as the gravity 

to redeem by retention,

images may go unnamed.

sensory-dimensions have loose boundaries.

recognition is not the prize.

there is this flow 

to be reckoned with ongoing.

there are no still images registering.

much like water skying or bike riding,

whatever was conceived of to begin with,

is lost in the overwhelm of motion.

you know of your being now as a presence.

all reporting is that as recognition,

but it doesn't register as stillness.

it is fluid as interpretation.

there are other dimensional senses in play,

almost dream like, 

but more grounded aware.

yes, you know of it as think,

but it is mostly empty.

that part of yourself, 

that lip-services it into meaning, 

doesn't have a real job,

and soon sort of fades from relevance.

sure, there is a sense of wonderment,

almost like the think you are having

has never functioned like this before.

there is an alert 

sent out as pseudo-resistance,

but the draw is so inviting,

hardly a sense of fear 

or restraint comes forth.

for it streams.

meaning, ever trying to dress and catch up,

as if by habit,

assumes clothes are required.

it's not like flying.

there is no ground-figure declared.

it is larger than the sense of space

but that does not come as a comparison.

it is more like, 

this void is really occupied.

void is not empty, 

just undisclosed by any normal means.

it feels foreign at first.

so much of mind-habit wants in.

it's like being on a slack-line of attention.

focus is not related to results.

oddly the feedback is 

the future inquiry refined.

the sense of hurl or intendedness plays,

as the sense of one's being 

has never been so undefined.

nothing is sensed as solid.

everything is vibratory real, but not.

for there are no second thoughts 

to check it out.

oddly, you can feel

that this proves 

that there is more to life than living.

I know I said that just now.

and I can't explain what it means.

think is the only word of meaning 

I got to give.

and I am only referring to that part of think

that does not register as thought,

because it is the onset of think,

not at the result of think

going into thought.

it's like splitting hairs

that haven't grown yet.

and then you leap through, 

what you can't comb . . .

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