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Saturday, September 5, 2020

what in the world of you

as the spirit of you

I would ask,

what in the world 

has made you of resistant persistence?

confounded, doubling over on itself,

as if an unrealizable realization 

in the profound, 

that looks back with candor and guile, 

with chin up 

as if facing a mirror of itself 

to be viewed.

lips moving to part,

as if a remark will come 

with the next out-breath pour.

something spoken in recognition tones

yet self within self 

has never heard it said directly,

as if face to face.

a remark that will shake the beingness 

to the core.

words spoken, so strikingly

as if never previously revealed 

but deeply and essentially true.

"I know of myself as you

before you came to be.

you, who live in the muddledom of experience,

will not overlay my destiny 

with your own narrative in display.

I am behind your every breath.

and I will come through your every action,

in spite of your claims 

and your keptness.

ever so slowly, 

I will bend you into being.

I will bleed you 

into the blessedness of caring.

you will arrive at a dedication to being

that expresses the vision of my soul,

into and through your form.

my spirit will become your presence,

whether you become the wiser 

in your personal mind-fullness, 

or not.

so, if your self-troublesome way continues, 

as you claim you must.

I, in the privacy of this turmoil,

will beamingly, rest assured 

as ever the task,

cell by cell,

nerve by nerve, 

emotion by emotion,

be, the in-breath of deliverance 

in refinement,

coming your way" . . .

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