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Sunday, June 28, 2020

lifestyle is the medicine

lifestyle is the medicine 

we take in on a daily basis.

the river of being has no events as fluid.

emotions need not be sculpted 

by the conclusions that one's mind generates.

living by results is fear-generative.

and mind-prompted, as overwhelm awareness,

makes for a reality that is outwardly driven,

and mentally interpreted as the narrative then lived.

the creator, the artist, the genius and the master

are all internally present 

before the mind-grip eventually takes charge.

fear, is a method of operative internal drug secretion.

it wants repetition from the internal motherboard

to function towards the clarity of familiarity.

familiar has a certain mind-tone to it

that allows the mind-narrative to continue

in a limited way of our awareness usage.

emotion wants a broader spectrum in play.

mind is time bound 

and comfortable with the past as backdrop reflected.

emotion wants buoyancy and uplift

as embraceable phantasmagoric in its ripeness.

emotion wants the dance 

and not an endless supply of still-shot conclusions

to comment upon ongoingly.

so whose eyes from within have the prominence?

they both function simultaneously

with outer eyes towards certitude 

or inner eyes embracing the uprise of the unexpected.  

every moment of awake awareness 

is presenting in both these ways.

one is the reality of living

while the other is the magic of being.

one is provocative towards demanding

while the other is lyrical towards immerse or fly.

yet both are at the mercy of attention's grasp.

for most of us,

one outwardly demands 

while the other is inwardly shy.

the method of habit feeds on one

to be alert apprehensive and accountable,

while the meal for the other

is inviting, expansive and curiously inviting.

our personal landscape includes

a mental reality trench of occupancy

and an emotional river of ascension.

both are in our ongoing mural of consciousness.

our landscape of awareness includes both

and so we are the ever changing panorama  

of these two primary elements interactive

as our individual self-consciousness.

we all want the providence of emotions

but settle for the dignity of mental equivalence.

so the day fills,

as we toast the ongoing, 

with either the sip to swallow

or the fragrance to inspire.

one to determine,

the other to embrace.

one to carry on,

the other to uplift and ascend.

one itemizing, while the other is spellbound.

the nature of our dualistic thinking 

generally frames the one against the other.

contention is not the means

that confluence easily offers.

so from where within oneself 

does mastery of this come from to proceed?

who of oneself is wisely witness 

to all of this?

go there

and give to what comes a life.

for lifestyle is the medicine,

as the expression of your being

that inwardly aligns, self-ignites 

and outwardly inspires the attention in others . . .

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