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Friday, December 30, 2022

think without thought

what if, when you attempted to blink,

eyes still closed, 

but then, you came visually back 

to a different view?

what if, when you took a step, 

and no gravity was there to greet you?

what if, when you go to think, 

and no thought registry awareness follows,

but void by another dimension appears?

when you are there, present with think,

without other than void handling,

is this where, 

a whole different sensory aware becomes evident?

where there is no apparent framing for recognition.

sensory somehow has permission to be immersive,

and little is reducible to the comeback of language.

a dimensional depth is forthcoming, 

as expectations, not rewarded, are overwhelmingly blank.

just think, without any attendance 

from the momentous habits of linearity as thought.

yet everything from observed thought-stillness,

is now think, vibrationally dancing.

there is no real distance 

to have as separate, 

as the observance of this dance. 

just the presence of being, 

is the feeling of this, as dancing.

and experience does not exist as a takeaway.

the transition from one to the other is a leap,

better a sense of fuse or merge or dissolve,

dependent upon the attachments to the former thought-state.

but surely if conceivable, as a dimensional leap.

once immersed, there is void, yet without emptiness,

as if light without the production of shadow.

everything that we, from an experience standpoint,

would call substance is,

emptiness energetically filled.

and there is little juice-perspective for sensory referencing,

as if separate from is not an observance skill in use.

we historically possess 

all the thought-form mind-skills of swim, dive and float,

but nothing to carry us into the dimensions of immerse.

it's where we thought nothing existed.

and nothing doesn't exist, 

as if for the reward of sensory appearance sake.

even the habit of notice gives way

to the vast, yet vainly still in an attempt at scoping. 

for that which then atrophies, 

was only essentially efforting at being story bound.

so, in our normative lives,

if I said, go sit in a stream, 

immersed in the water at shoulder height,

and I ask you. 

how long would it take, 

until you became stream-speak 

and realized it didn't translate into words?

if you were an albatross of eternal flight,

how long would it take

until there was no experience present,

to the passing through air

and no language can speak further of your existence?

what if the only measure of time-dimension

had no reference for calculation or judgment?

and your being there

has no referential sense of a you?

conscious, but lacking in temporal perspective.

in motion, but no definite mass defining.

within the dimensions of void,

but not capable of separate observation.

and no experience taken to the sense of oneself.

even self seems to be, 

as a vague potential of reference.

the notion of attention exists as holographic.

there is no self as directorship-aware.

it's as if you were ocean

and understood all the wisdom of liquidity.

as if you were space

and knew it to be boundaryless.

and that there is no worth to living 

in mindful conclusions.

that now has no sense of closure.

there is no summation, 

from awareness possible.

what was comprehension,

now has no conclusionary status 

or any effort for that to be so.

there are no positions taken, 

as if right or wrong,

good or bad, 

as in no commentary of comparative truth.

even articulation, as if observance formed,

has lost all of its audience initiative.

that you are 

is not now verb definitive.

this is beyond what essence was, 

as if to come to express.

even the notion of action 

has no frame of being aware.

just think,

without the wag of thought,

without the sense of motion 

framed by stillness,

without cognition's lusty grab,

without dimension's subtle assertions in play.

no time-space dependency evident.

even locational referencing, gone.

all of comprehension is self-emittance,

arduously effortless,

ever expansive, 

without awareness as any measure.

think, unbounded,

without any sense of surround.

in the consummate of, of 

and no itness 

either appears or matters.

just think without any itness 

that conceptualizes, signifies, 

or becomes memory memorialized.

just think, 

now is ever there . . .

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