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Sunday, December 4, 2022

the land of understand

I do not live in your land of understand.

I am just a traveler of impressions' maid.

I could be a comet in your night sky

or a coloration surrounded by immediate bland,

that's how focus gets its rights to claim.

I only standout by your perception's clench.

you interview me with your senses.

it's initially how one-sided conversations go.

I am prepared to speak by presence.

but who of you is there to converse?

you are all of you inwardly talking at once.

some have a capacity for multi-listen's grasp.

are you of that kind?

we are, when two waters meet 

from different oceans.

they learn to speak.

I am now residing in your occupy.

you have sovereign self rights to oversee.

and I have eternal listless passage.

how do we carry on

with what there is, 

as evidentially present?

none of which is so relevant

as if to not see past.

I thought we would have met at mutual presence,

but revealed is not a give and take.

it's beyond the capacity to exchange.

it's more like confluent co-mingling without pause.

but maybe we are only meeting here to understand,

like the wind to a sail,

rain to concrete,

the judgment of the other's prevail.

I come over with nothing to overcome,

therefore no gift to offer of sorrow or lament.

I just want to see through you,

seeing through me. 

until we meet in a more original fashion,

like souls searching for oneness as presence,

beyond what projection offers instead.

understand makes for ingots of actions taken.

but I do not live in the land of your understand.

ownership is only with regards to human pride.

we are both gifted with the capacity to occupy,

simply mine for yours 

and yours for mine,

until we are of essence exchanged.

then there is no land to walk upon.

no need for understand.

there, we have no needs to meet,

for we have no we.

it is where oneness becomes, 

the presence of the one of us . . .

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