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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

the grooming of doom

I grew up 

amidst more masculine crony minds.

tainted by life experiences,

a negative bias as theirs,

became a standard operating procedure.

they had their capitalism as their creed.

the more prominent of those 

became CEO fortunes 500's, 

national politicians, ever on the rise, 

famous lawyers of reputation,

heads of religious needs, 

cartel mercenaries 

and hedgefund operatives.

some sort of prominence intended 

based upon greed.

for they all came to practice a soulless creed,

where success is eminently contextual, 

where profit is a process 

of excessives as needs.

they are all of the narrative of self-serving

and all motivation is based upon 

their calculated chessboard moves.

they become loonie in their loftiness

and dissociative in their caring manner.

everything is about 

billboard narrative potential.

their public-speak is devoted apocryphal.

it's a wonder 

what else they have in their bag.

if it isn't slight of hand 

then it is slight of mind.

they become a contagion 

composed of insularities. 

they have profit logic above all other kinds.

for them, 

heart-felt is a sincerity card of purchase.

the essence of their breath is profit gained.

their basic mode of operation is men-tality

as if gender assigned 

was a measure of their game.

and they are forever 

in the grooming of doom . . .

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