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Friday, February 4, 2022

of a consciousness

to be of a consciousness, 

beyond the reach and grasp of language,

way before the installation of meaning 

is hard wired.

to be of a consciousness of quantum 

at isness

in parallel with one's beingness,

but not by awareness as account driven.

to be of a consciousness 

in which you have to transcend into it,

for it does not transduce to otherwise this.

to be mentally lucid 

beyond rationally linear,

to be of that which feels 

without reductionistic language 

riding herd,

to be of a way of immersion awareness, 

without ever the use of framing conceived.

for one has to leave mental equivalency 

to be in and of this abound.

it is where nothing is anymore comparatively perceived

and everything is essence present.

experience of itself is an after-feed.

there is no more the sense 

of spacial relationals used.

thought itself feels like 

the dead weight of after-affects.

it is as if you jumped into ocean

and then are ocean embodiment,

with no more surface-sense to penetrate,

no more contextuals to comprehend.

it has being, 

composed of everything, 

that occurs,

way before understanding 

could compellingly arise 

as the impactful afterthought.

all of these words are 

but trite welcome mats,

floating on vacant oral surfaces 

as language debris.

it is where you are welcomed to leave 

your wardrobe of comprehension

in a frame-break 

from time and space directives.

'how' is happening beyond what languaging is as roadkill.

there is the travel of all directions

as stillness compositional 

and yet ironically absorbed 

as ever expansive.

if I could make a sound 

that dissolves the 'me',

then isness would be 

beyond my sensory to absorbed,

as if to surrender from the written word,

from the essence of intended ink at work

and the casual structure of its use in form.

this is where depiction surrenders 

into immersion.

and this absorption leaves behind

the audience receptiveness of impressions

and then takes us to where 

void already answers all questions,

before they were initially formed,

before puzzlement could gather,

before relational was even established,

before where time ever contradicted being.

to be of a consciousness, 


where knowing is just a relic

from a distant world 

of afterthought . . .

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