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Saturday, February 26, 2022

beings of shade and hue

within us is the life 

of the shade and the hue.

all so witness dependent,

as if menials set to the task,

and the carriage of view in action.

but the real work is,

the essential work is inwardly retained, 

the rendering with in-depth attention,

the be and its beaming are embraced,

taken into the mindfulness of aware.

only living as operatives is use,

possibly as skillsets, natural or conceived,

yet requiring a depth of attention

and a resource of witness to proceed.

one has to assign oneself a presence,

a means of observation with intent

and be taken by what is observed,

to commingle in an inward awareness,

delicately to construe as if rendering,

as if a creation 

becomes mindfully transposed 

but not overwhelming,

not out of perspective to the whole,

but executed with the essence of elegance,

succinct yet understated 

to serve to the whole,

and masterful 

for any second person's notice.

the life of shade and hue,

is as if in service to observation there of,

yet living the religion of light to dark

and the philosophy of potency of color,

not for observation,

but inherent to its own isness of being.

shade and hue live in

but observation is a human level of tact.

imagine us 

if we as emotional beings of accord,

as if we totally are 

of the spiritual expression

of our own, 

shade and our hue . . .

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