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Monday, August 9, 2021

to live beyond the words

phrenetic mind usage 

expresses emotional displacement.

one's soul knows can't be 

predicated on temporality 

while retention is destroying 

its original basis of authorship.

primal is validation of being

yet ego invites the torture of one's soul

to be the cornerstone that speaks the truth.

but there is no retention to this truth,

for it is always in its passing.

mankind wants a transcendence 

to be emotionally rewarding.

but mindfulness will steal it away by awareness and retention. 

the two tortures of our being are 

a mindful facility that wants 

full graze and nourishment

and ego positions that wants 

to self-audience it all.

we are self-consciousness 

is our jumpsuit apparel.

our intuition is 

always contentious with mindfulness,

they battle internally, 

unexposed to each other.

where they do have common ground

mind overrides 

intuition's expression and needs.

all of us, 

for a deeper more penetrative focus,

need to go where 

mind has no sovereign authorship.

where our primal has no observation 

as if to share.

primal is access to 

a soulful energetic language 

that does not reduce 

into words or comprehension.

we would all gladly 

lay down our disclaimers

if our soul was besieged with tears of joy,

if intuition channeled your existence,

if our minds were respectful 

of intuitional usage

beyond the torturous conditions 

internal to living.

our thinks rots with our passive approval.

we are all a oneness underground fire 

from within.

but us yelling "fire fire" is a false front 

in lip-service to all other egos 

that overhear it.

there is a truth somewhere back there.

we all move mountains 

by presence from within.

but we are rocks in a hard places 

of our mindfulness.

when does our focus become 

the isness of action?

when does our transcendence become 

our zest?

we are all the artist 

of radiance as solutional.

we can't expect the world 

to kiss our white canes

just because our blindness 

is heroic in gesture.

our otherwise dualism of mind 

is a two-faced complaint

by which we live to exemplify 

the triumphs of our failures.

we all have contradictions, 

conundrums, and paradoxes 

as our appropriate wardrobe in waiting,

as we cross this stage 

of our personal existence.

any self recognition we have 

is baggage claimed to be needed

until we beg someone else to steal it all.

when will the death of us in this way,

become a timeless question 

for us to be asking?

our minds are resourceful enough to try.

our reality applauds us 

with constant karma to explore.

we have facile minds and ego 

bound to cross purpose us.

but we are also very emotionally ladened with common soul.

let us live beyond these words 

and care for ourselves 

from this deeper way . . .

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