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Monday, August 30, 2021

the poignancy of grieving

the poignancy of grieving,

for it lives delicately 

in its desperate blossom.

but its life had limitations and progressions.

if one takes the richness of memories 

to a level of personal emotional endowment, 

then grieving has a myopia to it.

if one is the meaning of life 

to be a timeline measure,

then death becomes the final note 

of that song

and the melody is forever hummed 

in morning.

if one lived through another,

as a compensation for the lack of self 

in fulfillment,

then that death of another is also 

a self in death.

all of these can be held as viable and true.

but in the poignancy of grieving,

there is a great whole,

there are larger truths to be honored.

one is not but a single lifetime lived.

one was never the body in restraint

but ever the spirit in exploration.

the being journeys on 

without this limited frame of reference,

while we, as kindred of that spirit,

shift the mediums of our connection,  

our attachment and our continuance. 

no more the act-out of human endeavor

but ever and always 

the connection of spirit to spirit.

the poignancy of grieving 

has transition of the mind 

and from the heart.

there is not a loss of essence, 

just a shift of a medium in usage.

but beneficently, 

there is a gain in inward clarity 

and strength of carriage, 

in the long journey,

from spirit to being to spirit,

over and over, 

until where we are one,

all of us, 

as one, 

are . . .

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