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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

in a focus without any means

to not focus on the results of think

but to draw back and focus on the origin 

of the capacity to think.

to work with that which generates think

for in and of itself,

not caring about image gained

or any cognitive merit,

nor the obviousness of this familiar process,

but the method of its generation

as the source from which where it comes.

to seek that which has no recognition,

the generative out of nothing into some mental registry.

to draw back into that which 

does not present 

or comes to represent.

to a state 

maybe just secretly internally mind bound,

that has no apparent moving parts 

sensory evident.

to an earnestness, 

on the other side of intention.

to discover the workings 

into that earnestness

beyond what intent can present,

possibly where the heart-brain intercedes, 

where a deeper sense 

of being a self originates,

that which precedes and post-cedes 

the sense of being.

a sense beyond self as occupancy,

a connect to that which has no life 

or death paradigm.

to that which is more quantum 

then we, by our mind styles,

are capable of knowing directly.

but that which is secretly 

and very subtly active

in and through us though undetected, 

as an isness beyond normal detection 

from the normalcy of now.

seeming ever so vaguely possible

by the construction of our attention, 

but beyond any other purpose for usage.

to delve inwardly 

with piercing single-mindedness,

even more than mind knows 

of itself to start with,

but through a constant persistence of intent.

an intent that is totally creative of means,

leaving the normalcy 

of awareness to venture,

to go where drawnness takes one 

in this way,

with an emotional focus 

in upliftment to mind.

to go to a there 

that has no residence declared.

where it is all of nothing but energy present,

does not contrast or compare,

just is, as the ever-is.

and be of that, in that, from that.

then coming back into being without loss,

back together with and within, 

without objectifying,

the sense of your being, your presence

and possibly, you.

but clearly in a different expansion 

of energy as light   

into that kind of focus that has no parts,

no articulation to attend.

just wide and deep 

from within and beyond dimensional. 

where we have no questions, no answers,

no thoughts with carriage,

no language of particulars.

all is movement 

as if to say in trance, 

yet dancing in focus, 

but clearly,

without any means . . .

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