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Sunday, July 4, 2021

consider not thought, but be


physical mass is not 

our natural home base-state.

brains are our 

lowest common denominator medium

for creating only a sense 

of our interconnectedness.

there is a vibrational integrity 

that exists 

beyond cognition's current method 

of approval.

a coherence beyond our means 

of direct deciphering.

we make attempts at laws 

rather than immersion.

the way experience, 

as functionally constructed,

is not a methodology 

that penetrates this process.

we can create levels of outside observation

but we cannot readily participate directly yet.

we have the litmus paper of thought 

as a registrant 

but our certainty is 

hypothetical documentation 

by a logic we want to out-think 

as a way of gaining only an understanding.

we have a want for results

when the real need maybe 

transcendent technique,

maybe that which leaves its home-base 

and does not ever return 

to what origin or first-premise.

in a way, comparative truth is 

excess baggage, 

for the essential journey 

is not about change. 

it is all about transcendent transformation,

a high level of chrysalis 

in otherworldly metaphor,

leaving knowledge as prize gained

for integration beyond audience appraisal.

the construct for evolving is noninclusive.

the wakeup call that is 

possibly present in all

is not grandly activated across the board.

it is not a mandate presented 

for self-conscious approval.

as much as institutes, 

research and governments 

attempt to construct 

breakthrough technologies,

their motivation for endpoint results

is not heavenly in nature.

their goal is leverage, advantage, 

strategic and positional

in a relevance way that has as its backdrop

some movement relative to humans 

and its worldly status.

this seems to be the driving force 

mentally necessary

versus the drawnness calling for spirit enterprise to arise.

assumptions about earth as home-base 

are a fixture.

the way we have and are developing 

the brain into mind

makes us the tedium of self 

as the experiment.

what we have as contextual 

is tragically under dimensionalized.

but our current thought process 

as deemed by method

limits the what, where, when and how

so much so, that why can't even be 

a reasonable search.

we may have passwords for entry

but they are not stored in memory.

they are the creation of being 

in a coherent vibrational way.

and we, as a species and as individuals

are prone to falsely contextualize 

both our means

and first person methods 

of approach and immersion.

we are the riddle made evident.

we have a yearning and a calling

but presented as drivenness 

is a circuitous find.

drawnness is a method of surrender

in which we strip away the excess

whether that be brain style, 

self as consciousness,

sensory attachment to experience,

even the integral nature of experience 

may be in question.

as if, consider not thought but be . . .

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