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Thursday, July 1, 2021

and, be

listen for the sound

you can't hear

until you are in it.

listen for the sound

you can't sense

until you are of it.

be that sound,

by becoming that sound,

as it comes.

become in the thoroughness

of that sound,

as it's coming through you.

be the broadcast

of that undefined sound,

much more than hearing can offer.

be at and from the source

of that sounding,

beyond any sensory offering

of that sound in resolve. 

be before it is

that sound, 

before it does,

before experience is the curtain

that divides it

into listening and heard,

from the you of that sound.

a sound sense of self,

before circumstance,

as experience offers it.

a sound, inside the fiber of silence,


a sound that so surrenders 

the embrace of being heard,

just to be.

a sound that leaves the circumstance 

and the thickness of experience,

to quintessentially be.

a sound that reigns in 

all of otherwise sensory aware,

where there then is,

no more audience of effort,

no more the feedback of forcefulness,

no more the validation of heard,

no confinement of the sense of being,

but of essence, 

and be.

it is of the essence of mass

and its movement, 

yet behind its apparency and flow.

be of there,

before you are.

it is the surrender of time measurement,

to be in the now.

no more the audience of experience,

no wardrobe of self

to dress in

of thee, 

for beyond this fiber of circumstance,

for the voluntary broadcast of radiance,

without fixture or cause,

the be.

for the self of the living

and the self of the dying

cease in the duet of their serenade.

no more of the song sung,

more of the sound of being

as they both come to reside,

from the source of the be.

for leaving the self of circumstance,

to be,

leaving the bounty of emotional substance,

to just be,

leaving the writing of the story

of awareness of self,

to widespread be, 

leaving the presence of the verb 

to account,

and be,

leaving all of the insistences

of time, space, 

and presence of self,

to be.

for then, 

no more the evidence

just, be.

where oneness is its own chord

of presenting as presence,

in the symphony essence

of be.

to that which takes up no space

of all space,

and no sound of all sound,

the be of the embrace

from the before and the after 

in the apparency of existence



and ceaselessly, 

radiantly be . . .

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