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Saturday, August 1, 2020

what makes sense work?

I pour water so slowly 

that it evaporates 

on the way up out the spout.

I cry with tears that well up

glistening from an emotional stir,

but they never leave my eyes

when looking directly out at you.

I come to words 

that take days to form

from the outset into pronounceable,

with such thoroughness and conviction

that I leave myself behind 

by saying them.

I have thoughts that linger 

into internal monuments of stature,

that experiences seasons of the year

to gaze upon in passing.

time has been a neighbor of mine,

since as long as memory 

has been the town I live in.

every now and then,

there is an infestation of buzzwords 

not quite seasonal in appearance

but as thick as thought could ponder.

and when they come

I don't know what they devour, 

but it gets to the stage 

of being thunderously loud 

and taxingly annoying.

all this makes me wonder,

what the world is made of,

for taking us 

where we all want to go . . .

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