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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

oneness has no audience 11/12/19

will the universe tell its story that science authors?
‘being-awareness’ is very remote from knowing's account.
‘knowing’ expects a language and understanding 
to do the necessary work.
but understanding and language lack the ‘isness’ factor,
and are primarily static in nature 
and observational in style.
where as, oneness has no audience.
there is no extraction called ‘experience to oneness’.
the method of experience 
is an example of a disqualifier.
essentially, if you go into oneness, for now,
there is no return.
experience is the realization of being positional.
oneness has no positions.
we can’t get there from here
as long as we have a ‘there’ and a ‘here’.
for ‘there’ is already ‘here’.
it has always been here.
it is we, who live in our remoteness 
from the essence of ourselves.
for our ‘here’ is only representational.
and as much as we are 
imprisoned by our sense of it,
we are the here that thrives 
on our reality composed of denials and methods 
that continue to reinforce this position.
we are essentially connected 
but octaves restrained and removed.
we are that remote and preserve as such
by our methods and sensory awareness 
to keep that distance prominent 
and essential to our versionary account.
we offer thought as a handshake of indifference.
we pursue and embrace thought
as if it was estranged from being.
we pursue objectification
and therefore send postcards to ourselves
and thoughts to our minds
that reinforce how insulated, isolated and separate, 
we think ourselves to be.
we create religions out of time and space
and icons of belief 
that further create a sacredness mystique 
of how remote we are. 
where we are ‘one’ is perceived as a phenomenon. 
everything that we could possible perceive as oneness
is engendered in terminology 
that best serves those of first person spectator status.
if we weren’t in a 24/7 workout gymnasium 
that keeps us in high performance separatism,
we’d already be ‘there’ 
by the consciousness that resides deeply within us.
but your religions gives us waiting lines
and postcard perspectives.
we are served the grossest meals of time and space
as if to keep our hopes vitalized
and our visions as keepsakes, 
only in our minds as if our consciousness.
we lived to purchase tickets to take us 
where we already are 
but haven’t really the clarity or the clues about that.
we have death as a possible ticket to ride
and a life as a way of lonely walking the tracks.
trains of thought come and go
and we believe accordingly in their passage.
we maintain with linear thinking
and experiential receptivity,
both as profound methods of self in denial.
as long as we are all of the questing and yearnings 
and efforts towards a ‘there’,
we live in the essential denial 
of the secret life of here.
we are then profoundly the tourists 
of a homeland, we only visit.
and when there, 
we pride ourselves on experiences
we hope to remember.
moving on in ‘time’ to the next ‘here’ 
in much the same way.
we have a ‘where we come from’ 
that belittles as our here and now.
and worst of all , in a tragic human sense,
we have a ‘here’ and a ‘now’ 
as riddles that fundamentally possess us.
none of which have essential occupancy
in the universe we seek.
our register for confirmation 
falsifies our potential for arrival.
all our potential and prioritized methods of search
need to dry up as if becoming a dry lake bed.
since all of experience, as method, 
is a process of distillation 
without the realization enhancements 
from a method like vaporization, 
as an ongoing process.
where the subsequent result
is eventually condensation as spirit, 
realized as essence.
and we, as such, learn 
from that method of evaporative means.
for we need to metaphorically vaporize 
to realize the sky.
for then to transcend the sky 
to become the heavens. 
and then leave the discourse of heavens, 
or the heavenly discourse,
to be.
we live to be in sensory environment 
where, in the distance,
we hear trains of thoughts 
that we have taken as the now and then,
that historically have taken us 
from here to there
and back
and provide us with the cash of memories
that we spend as our versions 
for the appearances of living.
so, will the universe tell its story 
that science authors?
yet our ‘being-awareness’ is very remote 
from knowing's account.
for where we want to go,
oneness has no audience of listeners . . .

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