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Monday, November 4, 2019

just random questions that came to mind 11/4/19

is experience just a shadowy flux of pseudo nows?
as if flash-points, strung together by the stream of cognition?
is the sensory feed but a constancy of those motors running?
is the hum of it all just a self-signature readily ignored?
do we all experience these therapeutic acts of framing?
so does personal expertise ever overwhelm empathy?
did I just ask if mind ever is smothering heart?
is behaving, act-outs of untold moments of unrealized crisis?
is distracted closeness a form of intimacy-sabotage?
are all words even slightly disingenuous of the feel of it?
is the yellow brick road only unresolved issues under foot?
does the devil’s advocate in me ever use breath mints?
is the catharsis of issues 
just mirrors presented for self-viewing?
is topic the hatchet handle and tone the metal of the blade?
is the really important news of the day only the subtlety 
of handprint-identity left on money that was exchanged?
that is, if motive is your thing without the use of blame.
if I am so armed to the gills with talking points
does that mean we can dance around any issue with ease? 
does insufficiently-grieved mean I am just summational 
but not clear as to where or how all of this has happened?
is being quiet in my mind, my default spiritual mode?
so what is in the awoke narrative of each person
that gives them clear indications of where they hurl from?
so don’t ask me to defend myself with or by understanding.
can group think ever get to words 
as representative of their shared allegiance?
can nuance ever get to words as understanding 
without emotional support tonally embodied?
are all elections ever pseudo strategies 
with falsified outcomes?
what is the symbiotic monologue 
from conversation’s exchange?
does silence appeal to the left-out pitch-of-things
that fear overtures bury in subterfuge?
is the ultimate currency for humankind trust?
is interactional life but a constancy
of undisclosed interviews for appraisals and appreciations?
at times, are we too full frontal to the brain 
and thereby consciously absent of emotional soul?
is the impotency of being reactionary
a crushing lurid display of the past as revelational?
is when opinions become death wishes
the living out of one’s irrational dreams?
and is the realization of a benefit 
ever really a happy demise?

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