Reality seems to be
a serial sequence of mindsets,
as an arrangement
of framed repeatable formats
that people originally learn
and then refined
from usage over time.
Much like the way
a disc jockey has cassettes
of pre-recorded songs,
labeled and readily available.
He or she just selects, slots,
flips a switch and plays.
So much of reality has sets
and cues that indicate
a play selection
that has already been ordered.
An appropriate behavior pattern,
a series
of conversational responses,
topics cued
and ready to be vocalized,
proper referencing
of satiable material,
inter-actional exchanges
that check off of a list,
canned laughs,
the right manipulation
of apparel
and other personalized props,
all preordained
behind the appearances
as managed.
All almost below the horizon
of awareness, handled . . .
The mindsets,
all have various promptings.
The soundboard is invisible.
The master board is
mindful persona.
The selection process
gets better with practice.
It’s a job,
having regular hours.
If you are good,
there is notoriety,
even popularity
and some advance of fame.
Audience approval
is always appreciated.
It presumes rites of passage.
Stealth towards wealth
is possible.
No one is asking
for real any more.
It is a kind of insularity
like fame.
Celebrity is being on
most of the time.
You go from AM to FM,
maybe even to video
if you have an “it” factor.
There is lots of surface,
but secretly, a reenactment
of the wizard of oz,
done in a low profile way.
Find compatible mindset types
and mingle towards approval.
Experience itself
is a kind
of applause and reward.
To quote;
“the fish are in the aquarium,
and the vacuum is in the closet.”
The fridge is relatively full
and restock is for upgrades
of sustainable distractions.
If it gets to be seamless,
the pharmacy
becomes your confident.
Where you live in this morass
is really how you live.
Decades may come and go
like chapters daydreamed through.
Pets are significant
because they don’t buy into
or inherently care
about your act.
Something really different
is really hard to come by.
The studio is taken for granted
to always be there.
Cynical is the backside
of manipulation
towards agreement.
Shallow can be laughing back.
There are discreet notes left
that say, “help me,
I am being held hostage
by illegibility”.
They scratch the surface.
True friendship
realizes the same prison.
Sharing from there, is relief.
It is hard to get off the air.
Mindset reality
is a commercial success.
And that success
is a heartless addiction.
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