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Monday, April 8, 2024

what if, there is no us

where we consummately come to agree

that there is no us,

yet privacy from after that world of then,

there was still a wardrobe worn.

comparative truth from before,

was not even presenting as a horizon line.

attention spans required for then,    

are a novelty of the far gone.

conversation now 

shares the same topical canoe,

by the same stroke sequence realizing,

done without sincere effort involved.

that we quote, occupy, 

is a false claim

from selfdoms that have limited past.

consciousness is all audience 

for explanation's ears to hear.

now as known, 

has no time reference from then in play.

the biases of perspectives 

have lost their sacred retentions to have meaning.

common mind was then,

a common sense beyond the outcrop of logic.

for then, semantics had lost its audience participants,

as beingness was a constancy of complete presence.

versionary was not an operative 

but now, sensory-function is assigned, 

as an intake mode,

as feeling is a somewhat non sequitur 

of an uncommon but mutually shared.

and nuance was as a presence of confluence for then, 

as the half-life of judgment

was quicker than the blink of an eye.

the appearances of being physically separate

was akin to a commoning of skillsets,

mutually yet inwardly telepathically exchanged.

all of us now are not of one-mindset possessed.

audience perspective had no means

as presence was everywhere outwardly expressive. 

maybe even the notion of thought

has lost its cutting edge to a now of self-containment.

and the work of self

has fallen into disarray as a usage need.

there is no notion of consummate completeness presenting,

no sense of containment fulfilling in this ever-flow.

language is as artifacts have historical acclaim, 

but isness, as if fluid,

would link into a oneness 

that defies our now notion of a definitional stance. 

back then, experience had no audience features. 

memory had no following.

retention had taken to creative expression forthcoming,

source-fully from an everyone oneness from within.

space has no sense of value applied.

if there was a now, it was everywhere but in grasp.

the only referential then is radiance as the outpour.

the age of us from then has lost its referential way.

even speaking like this is classic-dis-respective.

only to say, give of yourself, 

a no-mind of oneness

and then thusly 

carry us all on . . .

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