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Sunday, December 24, 2023

species eventually unspecified

species entitlement learning 

is one way directed,

not an exchange 

but acquisitional.

it is the isolated improvements 

of the self model.

it is intelligence 

as take-aways. 

this fundamentally isolates our species 

on this planet,

of which, 

we only have  

the logic of self regard.

we don't grow up

with the planet,

we grow up

on the planet

as if it is prop adjusted to us.

our version of compassion 

is mental with emotional undertones.

and our version of empathy 

is emotional with mental overrides.

we simply defy the odds

but then we invented odds

as a way of perceptual distraction.

what we sense to convey,

can't really be said in words.

say lacks the embodiment of carriage

yet we throw speech

at all kinds of experience,

as if labeling, as such,

is the harvesting of the fruit.

it is hard for us to find the world real,

more than props we cope with

in the mind-game construction

of our reality, as ongoing.

what does it mean,

when the wake-up call

is not an alarm

or a stampede of apprehension,

but more so,

a sensory embrace,

an interactive immersion,

a cooperative of means,

a hologram of aliveness abounding?

even one's breathing is then noticed

in a different light of day.

the sensory skills are discovered to work

for a different sense of intake and account.

there is way more of a dance

and much less of a march.

there is full stage 

and really no audience in the surround.

the tai chi of movement

includes all of the surround, 

interactively so,

as far as embrace can be conscious.

motion takes on a respect for energetic stillness

as radiance volunteers to be present . . .

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