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Monday, December 11, 2023

it's a wonder

does understanding really help, 

with how you feel?

is that a form of self-mediation, 

with internal dialogue?

like inwardly talking you down, 

from high anxiety,

as if giving you a free meal, 

on the isolated island of self?

maybe it's not the understanding 

but more so, the self-listening.

in the way of translation to oneself, 

provides for a listen up, well.

in the end,

doesn't feel get the final vote?

as if how it eventually sits well,

despite what it comes to mean?

mind can be in a constant journey,

but feel just has to have, 

a ambient sense,

for the lay of the land. 

mind can do the busy work

but feel has to do 

the uplift and the finishing.

mind can build the house

but feel makes it into a home.

feel is not postured with meaning

but has, for itself,

an environment of spiritual access.

where presents that,

as a figure of speech.

feel is open to the collective,

but not by rhetoric's approach.

feel is more of a pooling

rather than by agreement's efforts.

language does not directly serve feel.

feel has adopted to speak and say.

but the true origin of feel

lies in presence and emotional carriage.

think has that,

as all referential and projective.

it's a wonder

that think ever gets to the bottom line.

mind is tail wags dog.

feel is eyes horizon forward,

read your emotional outflow, 

for how you feel . . .

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