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Saturday, December 2, 2023

emotional versus mental

in the workings of a linear mind,

comprehension resides in conclusions made.

therefore sidedness becomes the positions taken

as prominence of directives rule,

as consciousness is aware.

therefore, emotional versus mental,

which is of higher intelligence

or of a higher accord?

emotion seeks the collective 

and all of the evolutionary advancement as such.

mental seeks the self

and all of the innovations that are of the self, invented.

emotion moves towards species awareness,

while mentality promotes species entitlement.

mentality overrides with linear thinking

and the formalized use of language.

emotionality subsists of feeling states

governed by mental interpretatives. 

mentality rules with evidential formality

while emotionality resides within 

with the undercurrents of feeling states.

mentality wants selfdom to rules and control

while emotionality lives for interconnection and joy.

mental intelligence is for science and politics.

emotion wants awareness into presence as love.

human consciousness is out on a limb

of mentality's expression as understanding

while emotion survives as the undertones

of all the pretense that we apparently understand.

mentality has a topical interpretation of living

and emotionality has a tonal expression of being.

where mentality wants to go

is control and surveillance there of

and where emotionality is taking us

is through the war-zone to spiritual enterprise.

mentality wants to be in the know of everything.

emotionality wants to transcend the need to know

by being fundamentally aligned with everything.

mentality wants comprehension 

of everything imaginable that is invented.

emotionality wants intuitive, psychic, inspirational 

and spiritual alignment into a vibrational oneness.

mentality rules.

emotionality transcends.

and sidedness is a reality awareness circumstance . . .

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