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Sunday, February 19, 2023

flow knows

you are a stranger to my beliefs.

my knowing takes the initiative.

but even in mental agreement,

I am professing being a foreigner to myself.

I have to give up my projection.

I have to settle into the feel of me.

I have to be in residence 

of that which does not mentally ever prove

to be of the river, 

that does not know of its source,

but ever flows in the presence of now.

I may go underground

or ocean bound 

or evaporate on the way.

mind wanted map, land, ownership,

but can't know or own the fluid of me.

why am I separate from you,

as if we meet in this way?

we share the same space within me,

but I am the last to know

by my methods of self.

I seem to play a game

that has rules and makes rulings.

naively unaware of that which makes for rules.

always to be a mindset away from being myself.

we are the living isness

but articulate as the blessedness of separate.

I do not need to be

the rain crashing into the waterways of living.

love is the far-side of viscosity's mystery presenting.

my know is all hands in the swim of it.

my ultimate brain usage

is the pooling of me

into the ocean of oneness.

but my knowing 

is just floating belief as debris.

liquify is living into the oneness,

as mindfulness becomes fluid.

knowing is evaporative to the transcendent.

to be of the river 

that does not know of its source,

but ever flows in this,

the presence of now . . . 

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