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Monday, June 20, 2022

the sighs of philosophy

philosophy should have its wings in the sky, 

sensing for the full bodied curvature of earth.

it should have a rich horizon life, 

before conclusions come to the mind made.

then spoken as resultively anecdotal, 

as face-time with lips involved, 

as post-happening.

the work of the messenger 

is in delivering these conclusions made.

everyone is philosophically endowed,

but few will take it 

to the level of a seventh sense.

philosophy has an emotional center core,

that is well disguised 

with mental arrangements in order

and eventually sensibility presenting.

we should know

that logic should never be the driver

and these views, 

they actually inwardly live, 

without mentally sharp edges. 

I want to say

that philosophies all stream unto themselves, 

and are good metaphors for themselves.

they go where gathering takes them

and then eventually evaporate into the heavens.

what else is philosophy supposed to essentially do?

live the life of being discussion worthy?

come, look out of my window,

while I gander out of yours?

profess a truth that doesn't exist in words?

intellectually grasp for a feeling?

have zen come to be mutterances?

have the heart live 

on appetizers of the mind?

philosophy has to be more then 

an art-form of the mind.

but by the time it gets to words,

it's all surface and detailing for commentary affect.

philosophy is essentially a breathing in activity. 

no, seriously, we all breathe in, 

for emotional value

and breathe out for the mindful response,

otherwise philosophy dabbles in mind tinkering,

where talk is all mirror time,

one mind to another,

a fashion show of languaging,

modeling, what thought provoked.

for every in-breath 

philosophy truly has a life,

as if feelings are originally scripting, 

from an emotional language of its own . . .

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