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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

your attention

if I wanted your attention,

why would I do that?

is it the way your mind attends,

the way what your sense is 

that appeals to you,

the way you are self sacred

with what comes to you

as worth receivership in sacred ways,

that you honor with purity of heart,

clarity of mindfulness,

an emotional palate of many textures and tones?

if I wanted that attention from you

what am I feeling

that makes that so?

are we then dancing into a lightness of beings?

we are the elixirs cross mingling

the depths of energetic truth, 

finding a simultaneity that synchronizes spirit

with another?

and we claim entry by having attention to and for?

as if when two rivers meet,

do they reflect their going-forward

from their separate pasts 

in which they genuinely come to align?

are we as if of a mutual sky, 

waiting for the birds of migration to come

as if now commons of conversation in passing,

the feel of textures as emotions that sooth?

all the edges of the world are muted

and only curvatures appear for us as common sights.

is what we call attention 

held by challenge, by curiosity, 

or by a vacant occupancy?

until resonance resoundingly appears,

are we by things we have to work for

until this happens?

why do we have to figure out and ponder

when in life does ease so evidently display? 

thus is the presence of slow evocatives

that generally are not evident by effort

yet life as mystery comes to reveal.

yet discovery overtakes effort with suffocating ease.

is this the case

if I am wanting your attention? . . .

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