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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

illicit self-love

the illicitness of self-love,

lives beyond the privy of logic,

the solicitation of language,

and the comprehension of sensibility.

self-love has it own impressionability means,

well beyond what recognition implies.

feel has a sense of reading the brail, 

while the mind stares at the imprinting.

self-love has no language base to author.

it knows of the hypocrisy of the spoken word.

self-love seeks a truer means of essence and display.

sounds good has to make the heavens within ring,

not just the inner-say being self heard.

self-love doesn't have a hard copy of right or wrong.

self-love is an endless river inwardly pouring forth,

not looking for large hard rocks of self imposition,

or beaver dams of personalized idioms of despair. 

self-love defies logic of over-simplifications.

self-love is capable of undulations, 

that are otherwise inconceivable. 

paradigms that sink deep within the darkness

and travel far breathlessly forward in carriage,

that brings together the family of un-imaginables

in their secreted internal hide-aways.

self-love accepts no imposters and their posings.

self-love absorbs the headaches, the heartbreaks, 

the hindrances and the hassles of delving.

self-love is creatively ruthless in its presence.

cares-for from essence bound deliverance,

that no mindfulness can measure, 

and always creative, 

beyond the medium consciously addressed.

the illicitness of self-love is beauty before identified,

drawnness before definiteness is observed.

illicitness is a sweet song,

soulfully sung. 

when spirit is the enterprise, 

as a resourcefulness, undertaken . . . 

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