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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

circumstantial as the warden 3/27/19

there is this prison 
as the prison of my own narrative.
and the resourcefulness with which 
I keep myself totally confined.
asking of others
to respect my inhabited-ness.
telling others my story
as victimhood would allow. 
buoyant in a life of secret sorrow,
yet thriving in the minimalism 
of a wellspring of predicament.
featuring futures 
that disappointment will paint.
living in a room 
posterized with hard life images.
forever my motors are running,
driven by interior emotional reaction 
more than cognitive response.
having the inaccessible wisdom of sages within
yet cursing, as muted anger, 
through my vanity of veins.
my projection to others is
as if my animation could come 
into a sweet beneficence from secret rage.
I comfort myself of my afflictions, 
in the privacy of an intimate self-dialogue,
as appearing to be bound to self-conversation
that no one else can really enter in response.
for the way it is topic bound,
there is a pitch to my self-preachyness
but others only hear the murmurs
said in self as stoic delivered silence.
I have a self-industrious 
as if a way to whittle on the would of the day.
emotionally I abide 
by a set of highbrow virtues
that I can never,
in my discovery and despise, keep.
I have, as personal audience,
of those who can never truly understand.
they are ones that I expect from,
a sense of praise and support,
but instead, a muteness
is the dialogue in response.
I view life as a rocky train ride
in which everyone is all aboard.
my talents are one of my personal laments.
for circumstance seems to enslave me.
no one will ever come to know me
as a lightness of being.
I could weep
for the lack of that acknowledgment.
but my narrative has become the tongue of me.
and I have become
my own tool of circumstance.
I bleed a light that nobody sees.
I bless every deed I do
from within the clarity 
behind my self as in isolation.
I am truly a well of meaning, 
meaning well.
I would be a healer of others
if circumstances ever presented in that way.
I bless every deed I do, 
but hide it in a self fashion of subdue.
I am always in the presence of others
by my acceptance 
of my apparent deep absence
for the spirit of the way. 
I bless each moment and every deed
in a blind darkened sacred cursing way.
narrative is my cover
but nurturance, even self nurturance, 
is my way.
perhaps you will pass by me
or the likes of others, there of, randomly
in the ever so 
of the ongoing 
of the day by day.
but neither of us will be the wiser
in that moment of intimacy 
for its justice is not on display.
yet some truth of being
will come to each of us
in that privacy 
of our own separate 
but connected way . . .

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