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Sunday, October 8, 2017

self-pep-talk yearnings 10/8/17

oh, thirsts for visualization without objectifying.
just lazy images from rainwater pools,
pedestrian passing.
oh, for the scent of sight,
without otherwise naming it.
overcoming the sedentary emotional sense of things.
reality as comportment,
with no dress rehearsals.
wanting to be homebound to a sense of myself,
beyond or behind the always insistent
internal emotional dialogue of damn if
but damn if not.
want to be the visionary reach
yet with a concrete mind,
yet make language work
to speak from these visions
even as my rational accounts attempt to undermine.
find shimmer in my self-mystery
while still perplexed
as if how to speak unbridled horse
so as to harvest love.
how to be beauty in service,
personified by self-revelation,
to be an instrument for the call-out
as exposure to the world
where higher cause is the naturalness of deeper concern.
to engender and reflect the spawn of wellbeing existence.
to be guidance that travels through,
to provide for others.
to be the deeper callings of one’s own spiritual nature
and to cleanse my emotional distain for reality’s rubbings.
to be the purity of my being
in essentially invisible ways.
to be the eye of my storm
in which pure essence exists
and to be from before
where I am spirit realized.
to be from beyond
the limitations of understanding’s reach
for it does not have to make sense
to my mind to move me.
imagine a ‘me’ without the possibility of restraint,
then go with that . . .

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