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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

mental chatter * 1/8/13

Yes, they’re all on the bus.
Each having their cameo
close up moments.
Each to your ear of intimacy
when deemed needed
or necessary.
Those internal voices.
How’d they get there?
Who grants these
back stage passes?
What do they get
for what they do?
Well, those are now
burning questions to ask yourself
while in observation mode,
yet not in the absence of any
of these audio characters
but in their operational presence.
Oh yes, you have to wait
for their appropriate arrival
in their own timely manner!
And they will show up.
They will all show up. Why?
Because this is their livelihood
in you!
They are living off of
your life force
and your intentional consciousness
as if whim or quip could call them
to center stage.
They are each with hidden agenda
and positional in response.
The themes and perspectives
are rooted in the past
where memories have trauma traits
and their goal is to customize now
to fit and feature the past as current
yet fully and most adoringly so.
New topic, any topic
will soon find its way into the decent
of familiarity’s confines as emotional
and irrational themes
override in the novelty.
And your job of attention with all of this
is to be the appropriate audience
of appreciation and approval.
It’s a kind of self-intimate
mind task tollbooth activity
with each new thought that comes by,
only it turns out to be more like a series
of new and different thought-form cars 
approaching, making some form
of insistent deposit to pass
but you then notice, oddly notice,
that it is the same specific set
of drivers, repeatedly
though strangely driving
all these different topic cars…
How can that be?
As long as you do your job
and only focus on the car sense of things,
all is fine with you
but if you start to notice the drivers,
well now it gets interesting
before it gets really boring.
Something is off. This is strange.
How can this be?
The day passes
as different cars come and go
but the drivers all become too familiar,
wildly too familiar,
a sort of insanely too familiar.
And so you recognize them
because of the frequency and regularity
with which they reappear
behind the wheel of another new
and supposedly different car.
What the hell is going on?
Tollbooth becomes toil
and self-consciousness becomes
audience in reaction.
How do you get a grip
on this ongoing process?
This is crazy but not.
You want, well more so,
you need a second opinion
to check this out.
And exactly how are you
going to do that?
Simple but not easy.
Begin to develop a witness perspective
right there at the source.
Secretly watch the entire process
without intercession or intervention.
Just deeply observe.
The first major discovery,
give each driver a name
and assign them their particulars.
It all takes place under the concept
called mind chatter.
Allow your witness to call it out
whenever it occurs without interrupting
any of its action.
There is a beauty
to identifying mind chatter
and its cast of characters.
Identify all of them, each individually
for their specialties, their general themes
of interest, their general summaries
with intent, who of you hired them,
who of you pays them off
with undivided attention,
and who of you lives
to interact with them ongoingly.
Yes mental chatter,
as they all live there
and you are the host.
It is like a unique Candida of the brain
and we all suffer with it,
through it and from it.
And the enlightened beauty of it
comes from the witness state engaged.
Once that is accomplished,
you have an expanded presence of life 
as your life going forward
wither you quit the tollbooth job
or not!!! . . .

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