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Friday, January 4, 2013

lightening *1/4/13

It is lightening
that grins in its
tight lipped darkness
before flashing
that winning smile,
isn’t it?
That absolute fascination
with the impending,
more than just tumultuous
fast approaching.
It is precursors
towards imminence,
faster than a cobra strike,
a chemistry that has
explosive cause
and now, circumstance,
to face us, head on.
It silently has
alchemical composition
way before it has composure
to have or be, for us, an event.
That I return to this
flash of expectancy,
over and over,
is my conundrum. 
I am here to discover
what the Blue angels
at mock speed
directly overhead
so easily try to tell me.
It is a rapid change in focus,
an unanticipated locational shift
of wondrous sense-levity. 
Yet, in a global sense,
lightening is always happening,
tickling with delight somewhere,
as well as human laughter.
How consciously prepared am I
for a lightening strike,
if I am a self-consciousness
as a bystander to myself?
Well, these fistfuls of thoughts
are a muted lightening of sorts.
Oh go ahead and mock me.
Logic is always as audience.
Conclusions gather loudest
as a silent clapping
in appreciation.
Notice as a convention,
comprises the chorus
but never the original lyrics . . .
I stanza my ground!
I am joyfully here,
yes, waiting.
Waiting for a winning smile
to smack me
again into laughter . . .

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