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Sunday, January 20, 2013

default tantra * 1/20/13

I’d like to believe
I am still interested in sex.
Yes, curvaceous and sensuous
and physical beauty is wondrous.
But sex is not
the automatic affirmative.
There was a time when sex
did not even justify an equation
to exist.
Maybe, at times in life,
there was a formula,
as an explanation
for pasts remembered.
But somehow,
sex became a buzzword,
not a trigger for clear images,
but more of a context,
more thoughtfully a notion
involving intimacy,
conversational exchange,
mutual time momentously,
a sense of comfort and ease,
subtler exchanges than topic,
touch as an environment,
and voices tones as
a potential mating dance.
No, not full headlights on tantra,
but more of a default tantra,
more of a presence dance,
more high quality unsaidness,
more of spirit revealed
and then risked as shared.
No, procreation
is not pressing the button.
Chemistry is less physical
and actually
more auric field electrical.
Vibes is not a checklist revisited,
but feel has an expanded depth to it.
Perks are wonderful
but they do not essentially affect
the flow of the bottom line.
There is no, “if a I had dollar
for every time
this personally happened to me”
type of accounting going on.
It is more like the study of
the place in me that knows
how to express with watercolors
what deeply needs
to get out of me
and shared to reveal my spirit
in a deeper way.
So I call it, default tantra
as a way of this 
all coming into frame . . .

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