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Saturday, January 29, 2011


I am, in spite of myself,

a forthcoming.

I am the radiance

no matter the overwhelm

and the outlandishness

of the wardrobe

of contradiction

as resistance.

However shiny

the representations

of distractions appear,

however deep

the rationalizations

are bellowed forth,

whatever the scarations

and traumas as original sins,

they are only accessories

of self-appointment.

As the questions that arise

keep coming up

as a step by step process,

then these quires themselves

are the camouflaged

of yet stairs ascending.

Each answer opened

and released

becomes a breath

of fresh air rising within.

I keep you,

all of you, as of the oneness,

always conscious to my heart

and not know that whereabouts,

but still and in stillness,

it is so.

It is truly so,

until all that is

is only what that is

and no more as the search.

Denial is a claim

of the unknown

based upon

the more deeply known.

What is held as holy for now

only betrays the future

by clutching at things.

But your light upon itself

is a begging bowl

of what the future will offer.

My words now are soon ash

then dust, then crust.

If you hear a sound

as a voice becoming your voice

then you are glistening in truth.

For you too are of source

while you also know

of no whereabouts

but it is so,

and through you too also.

Oneness has begun

in all of us

by the most confounding

of means.

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