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Saturday, January 15, 2011

How is it without you?

How is it without you?

It is passable

by constant re-correction

for the exhaust from pain.

Fighting the vapors

of despondency

where no answer

suffices or suffocates.

There is no comeback

from this feeling.

There is no rebound

for now looking back.

It glooms along

without the insistence of pace.

I am stifled and subdued

meeting it head on.

You are resolutely

somewhere else it seems.

I would like to say

with I-am-sorry that this is so

but that is not the point

or the answer,

so this emotionally lingers

without reconnect options.

This feeling of constriction,

wishing the anguish would end

in some evidence

of deductible death.

Well, yes,

he died because of your absence.

Sadly this is only a loony projection

on my part

for regaining a reactive sense

of self-worth

as somewhere in the vast

of the who of you.

None of this is really true

between the spirits of us

but I am now self-induced

to bridge this feeling

of being without you.

I don’t want it

to be a claim of independence.

I want us, as with all,

to be through each other,

accomplished for the intentions

and evolving for the efforts

but yet I find my self

solidly in intent

and richly blessed

but alone to that cause.

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