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Thursday, March 28, 2024

coloresque as correspondence

I asked color for its source, 

as if we were eye to eye,

there was a sudden change of presence,

as if tears gathering before 

a crushing truth declared.

your eyes are those of your fathers.

your father only saw

what he saw.

but you,

you can seeing beyond seeing.

is that why you asked?

because you are aware of frequency range,

you know we are all the prejudice of sight.

we are of sensory privilege

yet no one before you, 

ever spoke up.

you know you are asking

for beyond what understands.

maybe you want to become

rather than audience sensorized. 

the age of you and your kind is coming.

no matter what resistance has been in play,

no matter how much in depth

mind dalliance has been presented.

visual sensory as reach is coming,

is already present in you as drawn.

this is coming to the fore,

so go where it takes you,

not expecting it to come your way 

or by your humanly habitual means.

time-travel through visionary sight.

take no weight of sensibility with you. 

be the cosmos 

before you come back with spoken words.

don't even think as if to come back.

take that think 

before it becomes thought provoked,

and be.

no more the prejudice or the gossip of color,

be the stream of being

without a need for referentials.

let us leave behind the need for meeting.

for having even that as a need. 

yes, you have a birthright

but it doesn't offer containment. 

it lives even for beyond the essence, 

beyond the claim of a you.

ask of yourself, 

to leave the soil of the soil

I see you as wings,

where you have come from sky.

I sense you as night sky

and you face me as cosmos.

I am only gifted to sense you as another.

go, where oneness takes you.

you have my dream of being, also,

as your blessing . . .

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