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Friday, June 9, 2023

the spectacle of ambiance

the sense of motion, 

yet not defined.

motion within that, 

that appears quite motionless.

motion not in contrast to its background,

but motion unto itself.

all the framing of motion, 

losing its edginess of depiction.

flow upon flow yet holding form,

dancing in place if comparisons made.

can't report motion to anyone else,

livid and lucid but stillness more evident,

almost presenting as a world of solids,

giving me maybe surface tension instead.

if I want to make claims,

this motion is so refine

that I can only make a case for solids by sight.

but if I soften my gaze,

if I change the depth of my viewing,

everything is in miraculous motion,

yet holding to patterns

that recognition describes as solidly present,

but fluid within what solid appearance is given.

it's like a myopic viewing of mundane life.

there is motion with such integrity

that it can appear as a solid to me.

but it is feverishly moving within 

its apparent heldness.

there is so much motion

that there is no distance displayed to any of it.

there is motion to the see threw also.

there is motion presenting as surface

but still radically in motion.

environments within environments

where motion somehow abides,

but still is radically in motion,

just scaled into smaller areas of movement,

but wildly moving. 

so much so,

that how solid appears becomes a mystery.

how motion takes form is in question.

how sight stays separate from motion

is also a ponderous concern.

there seems to be an integrity in play,

whereby there is space occupancy,

but nothing is there that is not in motion.

and the whole concept of definiteness,

yes definiteness, is in question.

I can't point out anything for where it is

that is there immediately thereafter, 

yet may return soon, after that.

everything is definite yet conditional.

it's like a visual free-fall free-for-all,

but not gravity implied.

spacial, yes, but in depth beyond reason.

somehow there is an integrity in place functioning.

some measure of resistance or separation

that is not physically penetrable. 

sight-wise I can go there

but my insulated motion does not penetrate

that insulated motion of much around me.

I am in a sea of motion

but in a ship separate that I am sensory sailing.

I seem to have a signature of self-insulation,

yet I am also fluid beyond my sense of means.

so much so

that my vibration movement has an integrity

that does not allow me to penetrate certain others.

some yes, like moving through what appears as space,

but not access to those that would appear as solids.

even though those solids,

unto themselves, are also in radical 

but extremely subtle motion,

fluid beyond evident within their own.

I am at a loss to now define motion.

there seems to be some set of rules,

specifically about motion 

that I can't really comprehend.

and I don't think my sighting is the problem.

I think its motion itself.

it has a life of its own

and I can't comprehend how that is so.

my head hurts in questioning. 

surely my sense of sight is just being informative.

maybe my sighting has gone off the deep end.

but much to my surprise,

everything is in motion

beyond my general ability to see.

and solid doesn't really exist,

which is now a profound mystery to me . . .

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