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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

did I just blurt?

what's with the bliss beyond crucifixion,

the bandwidth after 36o degrees,

the widespread, hiding over the horizon,

the paradox behind serenity's bewilderment,

and the incomprehensible of 'so what', ever-expanding?

is this where the end is never heard 

and the beginning never learned the chorus?

so if the interlude has no lull,

while marvel lies in forever's wait,

are there anomalies that breath possesses 

is passing by perfect teeth? 

please take me to your leader 

that you actually never really knew.

show me where the shortcomings of belief 

grow tall, marry off, have dignity as a mood.

ask my shadow if I have ever lied.

let me want 

for what abundance can't provide.

let me know 

when indifference admits to its own tug of war.

can we plant trees, where rumors provide

while they grow a forest of denials

yet be specific beyond language's reach?

tell me that my hurt response 

isn't my eventual outcome,

that I can express feelings

where movement speaks me more than my say,

where wanting is my wear of life for today

as if going on through what can't be controlled. 

my limbs tongue for me to body speak,

for I have say that never gets to words.

my life is otherwise eulogizing me,

only to get woke up by my every next thought,

and to view life as a surveillance that disowns me.

for every conclusion I've made, 

is a fixation stealing me away

from my wants to be living, 

to be experiencing unseen magic,

yet crippled by a righteousness 

as backlash that always wants out of me,

to be complicit with acting-out's central goal.

this is what a short attention span does.

it creates accusational rants

and biblical surmises that mummify the pain.

and you asked for me to pass you what?

and did I just blurt? . . .  

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