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Monday, November 23, 2020

if speak is the deal

in the seduction of languaging your world

you can either be trapped posing as a noun, 

imaging yourself 

into another person's version

or you can prove your worth as a verb,

as an action figure 

assisting in another's world.

either version can be inviting as a seduction,

for other's opinions matter to them

or you can settle into that friendship basis,

as if we like you 

because you are a real character,

or we like you 

because you are a amazing provider.

in either case, no effort is made 

outside of this intake.

being liked my other's standards 

is addicting 

in creating a versionary sense of oneself.

can't know oneself really,

when to busy with the projection 

and the upkeep.

languaging keeps those limiting bonds active and binding.

we all have to grow with 

and through this development.

culture, this way, is a personal harassment 

to almost everyone 

at some point in growing up.

it's a bean-counter mentality 

of getting along with the group,

yet the search is always on 

for the real in others,

at least in terms 

of intimate experiences of them.

but that kind of privacy demands risks 

and self-honesty

in the presence of others 

and the subsequent consequences. 

not all are prepared 

to be challenged in that way.

home environments have either helped 

or hindered.

the social stage awaits 

for all to eventually play.

language carries one's reputation forward.

the only real fun is potentially face to face.

but trust comes from a deeper place 

than language can stand for or named.

there is no way that language alone 

gives one the feel.

and the feel is not captured 

by language going forward.

sure reputation presents for a thumbs-up 

or thumbs-down,

but the myth of that game erodes, 

the older one gets.

we would all want to get to that place

where another's words just don't express 

or define.

we would want to be a first person experience straight away.

if I deeply know you 

than I am past words of declaration.

I can't truly explain you.

and my account of them 

is only invitational to see for yourself.

not that I don't have my take, as for me,

but we all vibe

and we all resonate.

and coherence gives us a chance 

to find each other 

in terms of endearment and care.

language is over the top

but not so much the inward reveal.

if speak has to be the deal

then listen to the tones of the voice

and let them lead you 

to where, in another person,

you want to go . . .

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