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Sunday, November 29, 2020

depression hiding the divine

depression is a manifestation of the deep 

but unrealized honesty.

an honesty, beyond the social context 

of apparent reality's conjecture.

it is a deeper truth 

that cannot be named straightforwardly.

connections to spirit is like this, 

when unrealized.

the rational account for oneself 

does not include access 

to this kind of source.

this energetic truth, lived unconsciously,

appears to cause reality-dysfunctions.

one needs to witness from such a depth

that it includes irrational contexts 

and deep outside of time possibilities 

to see the wholeness of one's being.

we, as a culture of self-consciousness,

do not embrace those kinds of perceptions

or that depth of being to become whole.

therefore this individual, set apart,

is on a journey

to create a world that includes 

the wholeness of themselves, yet unrealized.

all of us are in need, 

in the same way, 

yet not of the same necessity 

as these specific and special few.

destiny, for them, 

calls from a very deep place

to these individuals,

while the rest of us are personally allowed

to meander and wander with ease.

for many, this, as self-dialogue, 

goes on inwardly

but does not address the kind of depth 

that is needed to be brought 

into conscious focus.

and so, we as a culture, 

would rather suggest 

medicate and divert.

but that hidden inner truth, once realized, 

would serves us all, well.

each of us is our own private religion, 

without the necessity of this kind of clarity.

but for some, the calling is strong 

and specifically this deep.

and we would all benefit 

from the revelations

of their deeply sourced blessedness

that they somewhat blindly feel, 

for the space of their inward expansiveness.

but with blunt avoidance of, 

the weight, and the sovereignty,

and the sullenness of vastness.

it can present as a dull vast bleakness.

it can vary from untenable familiarity, 

to feeling amputeed of soul 

and eventually produce 

a logjam of physical symptoms in response, 

and a kind of tinnitus of ongoing emptiness.

there can be a pervading overwhelm 

as an unnamed longing, 

in a vice grip 

of conscious annoying compromise.

spirit comes in strange ways to some.

these beings suffer 

from their lack of in-depth connectedness

to the unrealized spirit 

of who they really are.

they have evolved to a higher state of being

but do not have access 

given the mind-states 

of existence in the surround 

that our reality format offers them.

they could mean well

but suffer for their lack 

of true connectedness

in a conscious way of self presence.

please, be of a presence 

to honor and assist them.

for they offer gateways to our future,

somehow, hidden deeply within them . . .

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