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Sunday, December 8, 2019

the symbology of mass consciousness 12/8/19

the symbology of mass consciousness.
is this the payload of what people think?
the cohesive of common thought yet not shared?
is this inertia of inaction as a demonstration of reaction?
as thought that has massive depths but no display of unity?
what is the flashpoint of deliverance?
surely we, as a species, are an uncommon surface 
to a turbulent sea,
deliverance in muted action but without apparent evidence,
the clamor of humanness is buried in self concerns.
whatever the symbology, we’re not apparently resourceful.
concern is the seething clamor of a deeper distress.
where has all the meaningful gone, maybe gone awry? 
is this what the self does in the secret pain of isolation?
is this mental compartmentalization as a functional disease?
but there is evidence of isolation in our sea of common ground.
the species is self-inflicted with its own self-adversity.
there is no deliverance here without a deeper source point.
the reframe has to come from within this overwhelm.
need for visionary coming out of blinding fallout 
and its calamity of debris.
a deeper source of common ground 
must come from within the spirit of enterprise.
disaster is a ritual of embrace humans seem to honor.
their common enemy is self lost in isolation’s grasp.
the only news that matters has to be heartfelt to start.
human’s drums will beat from cacophony into synchronicity.
find your place of rhythm and timing from within.
there is a oneness all peoples struggle to find.
it is not foreign but it has gotten to be extremely remote.
between the beats there is a stillness that bleeds life.
we’re there but unaware of its import through each of us.
if we have a religion to save us, it’s face to face,
revelation from eye to eye and breath shared
in the grandness of heartfelt world-wide,
but not by governments or countries or races or gender.
no more the hurt-felt from media’s falsification of means.
one ocean of humanity with waves and shorelines
but mostly with the collective heart of one rapturous beat . . .

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