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Sunday, August 5, 2018

beyond conviction’s stance 8/5/18

I want to live one realm wide of,
yet beyond conviction’s reach.
don’t want to be bound up 
with utterances and self-defense. 
want no need to plot or prod
nor the destiny of proof.
do not want my sixth sense to be 
the gist of containment
or the bolsters of confidence.
do not want belief to be 
my face to face response.
want for the feel of serene, 
without the sense 
of press-pass or storyline. 
hunger for a tight weave, 
as if of trampoline beneath me
and hardly ever the need 
for the downer of contact to surface.
don’t want any lip service to be the limousine 
delivering me to this land of self-conviction.
don’t crave the mirror-effect of notice either.
just want the slip-stream of being
as if of fashionable wardrobe means.

conviction, always seems like positions taken
as if from overlooks as overviews
or inner states rendered from the fear of heights
or else the high contrasts 
from postures and situations 
in desperate need of a throat-grasping response.
don’t want the use of decisions 
as if the demand is for wearing shoes
or false projecting, as in response to, 
“how’s your day?”
with the need for weight-bearing salutations 
as my conviction’s certainty as utterance.

but more so, 
I want to feel from fully afar, 
to and through
where the symphony of silence 
is always besieging me,
where realm awareness replace my memory’s stance
and harmonies are herds of riding stock
while there are choruses heard from forests 
without songbook needs
as the hum of inner unity,
where the bleed of quiet is nesting as vitality
and the French kiss of sky is in the mouth of land
and there is confounding amusement gained 
from nothing further being said
also to be where the wildfire is from blessed voids 
that are ever and always approaching
where there is the dignity of being 
before existence is its claim
finding myself farfetched, 
yet shoulder to shoulder
and nothing, no thing, 
as ever appearing as topical approaching.
I want for watercolors as my senses 
lucid in the blends and the mime,
conviction as the pursed lips
of ridgelines on mountains 
over the horizon, as out of sight,
and every thought 
as feathers of purposeful amusement 
from the embodiment of my spirit in flight,
further more, the realization that appeasement 
never had a need for life
and that understanding is ocean-speak 
for current is ever in their voice
while both the warm and the cool of togetherness
is coming from the jet-stream 
always as the brow above my sight.
give me no moment in time 
for pledging as a stance,
that expanse is always underfoot 
and that cause’s redemption 
is breaking out into horizon-wides
and that herds of conclusions and surmise 
with flaming manes of exhalations 
are articulating into wind-sweeping senseless sighs
and golden wheat-fields, 
grown up into honesty
are now facial expressions of the truth yet untold
and that these convictions 
that I speak of,
are all dressed up 
in their stay of residence
with no place further in me, 
to profess or to go . . .

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