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Thursday, March 14, 2013

what if, but not * 3/14/13

Well, what if I could give you a pill
that you only had to take once
and forever and completely
you would be done with experiencing
as you know it?
And, and in doing so
you became enlightened?
Yes, enlightenment
with no more normal experiencing.
Would you be willing to do that?
Would you want to do that?
Be enlightened
and not experience much
in the same way as you do now.
You would experience,
as in sensory awareness, input,
the world around,
but it would not be the same
or have the same affect on you.
Say if it was like,
your experience of life
would seem like window shopping,
in that everything relevant
would be seen as reflections
from a glass surface back at you
and there would be glass vastness
all around.
You wouldn’t be interested
as to what is through the glass,
as if those things
were from the desire plain, now,
in its vagueness to you.
Yes, there would be activity
but nothing to really distract you
from the beingness,
within and all around.
You would be multi-realming
but without memory or depiction
and cognitive ingestation to bother. 
Particulars and your way
of addressing them would have shifted.
There is no concern for them
to rise to the foreground of presence
or even the interest
in using observation
for critical or discernment purposes.
It is all getting done
but without personal involvement
as a self acknowledgment
or identification need.
Nothing is of consequence
as out of the ordinary.
And ordinary has no shelf life
towards meaning.
Meaning has no inward audience
of distractive impact.
Consciousness does not have
a self-riddle.
The enormity of oneness provides.
Well, just between you and me,
we were all given that pill.
It is already working,
but with some people,
slower than others.
Actually every human was given one,
but with dosage amount,
transfer method, absorption,
esoteric ingestation and tolerance,
personal temperament,
experiential masking,
sensory indulgence,
cultural intolerance,
other more widely varied methods
of socially constructed avoidance,
or even simple forest for the trees,
it may not be substantially activated
enough, given the normal life span
timelines or projections.
So it’s a ‘what if, but not’, guaranteed,
until you personally notice for yourself
what is inwardly happening to you
as a consciousness possibility . . .

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