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Saturday, October 23, 2010

. . . Can you really ask yourself

. . . Can you really ask yourself something like . . .

the right twenty questions?

(part 1 of 2)

1. ) do you want that unbearably negative inner voice to be drown out by your preoccupations with positive conversations?

2. ) do you want the intimate attention you pay to others to be at the expense of an inner distance from your authentic self?

3. ) do you want your busyness to falsely

project your warmth towards others over the hidden anger you carry inside?

4. ) do you want your care and love to be given

in such a one-way exchange from you to others that they involuntarily validate your private isolation from anyone?

5. ) do you want your life to simply go on

without interruption from the subtlety of a higher cause?

6. ) do you want to believe that there are no easy answers to the difficult questions that asks for life through you?

7. ) would you like to believe that the only legitimate wisdom in your life has come to you ineptly from strangers?

8. ) would you like auspiciousness to suddenly appear for you without any resistance interpreted as inadvertent dumb luck?

9. ) would you like to be taken to a higher plain from the false sense of responsibility you would feel towards caring for others?

10. ) if growth were a given, would you have then chosen the right path to have perpetuated self-exile as your predicament?

Just asking . . .

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