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Monday, October 18, 2010

All of thought: part 4 of 6

What if thought

did not even feature

understanding per say?

Thought on the search end

of the process,

may lend itself

to a kind of bafflement

for intuitive recognition.

While thought

as verbal pronouncement

may end up defended

by a sensibility and logic

this self-edification

of user mentality,

may not provide

for the false sacredness

of agreement by solipsism

where humans just

agree to agree

as if it were so.

There are deeps

of the collective mind

that seem to occupy

subtle interfaces

with the accompaniment

of concept and theory.

These provide

for the slippage

and liquidity of common mind

yet the collective cadence

and shared emergence

rarely occur outwardly.

Why are not thoughts

just capstones

on contagions of deeper

and richer processes

that words cannot penetrate

by their definitive linear account

and understanding’s retrieval method?

What if thinking

is all a kind of lip service

until other mediums emerge

that are conveyant in nature,

that provide for the share

of the hologram?

This would be something

more than interface of meaning,

like common source,

or shared essence,

or a oneness

distributing facets as crumbs

for observation’s appetite.

This telepathic common thought

that pronounces itself

is a leaderless manifest,

yet we settle for the obliqueness

of a singularity

of focus as frame.

It seems that our style

of experience

is a lot like a lit flashlight

in a darken room

where the lighted artifacts

form a relative basis

of context

and of subsequent conclusions

and of the room, in and of itself,

while the ambience

of the room space

remains idle

to our sentient embrace

and unaccounted for

in our sense of consequence.

To me, this is an exaggeration

of particulars in a foreground style,

a false conditioning

and a pseudo promotion

of relevance

as momentous and consuming

of our deeper attention’s ability

to provide.

Are you thinking

what I’m thinking?

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