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Thursday, November 16, 2023

emotionality's thought ruse

emotionality has the logic of whim and fancy.

there is no bare-down certitude oppressing.

decisions can eat either parrot food or steak.

salads could be from mountaintops for some,

while others expect a kill before the meal is made.

the emotionally endowed are present

yet without projected substance showing.

they have fashioned an inner world storyline,

for the props of the world are seen in a different light.

everything for them is done in a private emotional code.

their meaning has surface 

but motive is in mood bearing code.

attraction and repulsion are virtues 

not spoken but of an emotional tongue.

relevancy has a inward weight-bearing element to it.

it exists but not strictly as a mental construction.

a rational mindfulness can read and translate the script,

but does not have a sense 

for the emotional weight bearing present.

as if in reading a hand written script,

does not notice the transitory dotting of the i's,

does not account for the ups and down of a line sense,

does not feel for the loops and swagger presented.

the calligraphy of emotional worth is dismissed,

for the apparency of the written as a directive.

so much of emotional pronouncement goes ever unwritten.

even in story-telling, 

the tonals paint what the mouth emotionally says.

if a bird has wings and flies

that's the rational story told.

and the coloration of it has a non-relevance to it,

but not really.

sure we can like the colors on the bird

but not know why that is so.

we can have aviaries of intelligence

and still not get how it works in natural world.

some have intelligence as the discipline of worldly need,

while others have prompted an otherwise distinct version

that regards but does not agree to those priorities.

there are those that have feel for the proctor to the senses.

they are enrolled rather than subscribe.

they witness as embellishment provides.

they make decisions with feel primarily on board.

yes, one can oppress the feel into a false rational civility,

but others can live on, as inward double agents ongoing.

for them the feel is so much more of importance.

think generates rules and a status to orderly imperatives,

which can be thought of as seriously lame.

feel is environmental as intercourse exploring,

while thought is flashlight on in a dark room searching.

sure, feel can get just as lost as thoughtful can,

but it's done with a different set of props,

still driving the emotional enterprise onward.

while thought can come up as stupid

but feel can be misplaced but still be real.

culture so does not get emotional relevancy

without the support of rational context supporting.

emotional insiders don't need that kind of logic.

they sense what is by a different means

and its a first person learning experience for all.

certain mind-styles can only handle a rough translation,

while others eventually come into their own.

emotionality rules, but in a low-key way,

behind or beneath or beyond what mindfulness offers.

happiness does not come from decisions made.

joy is not the reward for self being cognitively identified.

a full and rewarding life has more than a narrative account.

we just feature intelligence in override,

while emotionality goes and colors outside the lines . . .


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