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Monday, September 2, 2019

there is this light 9/2/19

I talk with a limp
and I walk with a lisp.
I get tongue-tied doing yoga.
I get mad at happy endings
and I am most happy, looking,
and get listless when its found.
I like being still in moving cars.
I feel a compassion for people
who look at me 
then quickly look a way.
I carry a heavy heart for my parents,
especially after they both passed.
they had what they thought 
were real expectations, 
for themselves and for me.
it t’was like life in a circus tent,
living like a close knit family,
as if one heart 
with so many appendages.
I have another part to me
that functions really well with feelings.
language doesn’t work well there,
but I can see the same sky 
that others secretly do.
I know what their favorite embrace feels like
and I have a place in me for sacred memories.
I view other’s memories shared from there.
I walk the same roads they do
but differently than they do
and I don’t know why that is so.
some people have said, 
it is because I have angels helping me.
I don’t know about that for myself
but often times I do feel expansive
beyond the point where I can think.
but I do know, I could live on feel. 
it doesn’t always translate into words
or even rational thoughts
but it does speak to the core
I sense in others.
I can go there without them knowing.
but when they do,
there is this light coming out of them.
and that is all I really care to know . . .

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