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Monday, November 3, 2014

Synesthesia 11/3/14

Synesthesia is a natural state of awareness but looses its holographic impact when brought to mind in our traditional method of recognition. When asked to express in a mindful way, we select out a specific such as an item or something that can be identified symbolically as an “it” of what we sense. In doing so, we radically alter for the sake of the ground figure, the actual sensory hologram we are immersed in. We do not have a language method available to transmute the setting or the environment or the harmonics we are actually sensing. And we have come so far down that road of denial that we hardly have a half thought or a doubt about what we attempt to communicate. Yet what we want from in each is that immersion beyond depictional experience. An example is in singing. Sometimes a singer is so filled with the sound of it that we get to bathe in that which we seek with out regard for the words as standalones themselves. It is as if they posses and broadcast a tonal quality that permits us to holographically bathe in that sound as if it gives us emotional access to something more than just hearing. Sight gives us recognition. Taste gives us identification. Touch permits us expansion. Hearing gives us access to the hologram of being more easily by our cultural methods than do the others. Not that they of themselves do not in certain specific circumstances render that possibility but sound, most easily. The truth of the matter is that all the senses worked together to provide immersion access but we are culturally trained away from this, almost from day one of life. We are indoctrinated into a language of depiction, a style of recognition by identification of the specifics, away from the holographic environment of feelings. Think and feel become separated worlds going forward in life as if there is not a common field in which they mutually exist. The senses then have become mercenaries for the mind in pursuit of accountable experience. Yet the entire mind game is essentially to get back to the feeling hologram which is an intimacy that has no words, no details, but lots of environmental immersion. Synesthesia, as it is referred to, is the natural state. It happens to us, all the time and yet we preclude its affect with depiction perspective and detail distortion as if identification was a negative affirmation of the isolation of self from the beingness of life . . .

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