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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The leap that cannot be

There is a leap

that cannot be experienced.

In fact maybe ‘leap’

is not the right term.

Leap may have expectations,

maybe even visualizations

and some notion of form and manner.

This leap may have

a conventional start place

like the thought or an intention

and some conjure of motivation

followed by some sense

of movement necessary.

But no, this leap,

although apparently recordable

in time

is really timeless.

No I am not saying

it did not happen

but it is not easily experienced.

This is a leap

of nothing in particular

possibly a transcendence of a leap.

This is a leap of indefinable means,

a leap without obvious trappings

of circumstance

and anticipated outcome.

It is not a leap

from one place to another.

It is the transcendence of leap

as leap-ness.

It is a leap so profound,

that you leap

and you leave your senses

for their history,

leaving your mind

for its technical guidance,

possibly even leaving your body

for its act.

It can never be only attempted.

It has no origin or predecessor.

It does not exist

in a comparative manner.

It just is.

Even the basic bulwark

of all of prior experience

by this leap,

is exposed as falsely adequate.

So . . . what I am saying,

I cannot say.

What you are hearing me say,

you can only hear

as yourself saying

what you cannot hear

but can know.

You know you even knew

before you came to know.

And that your knowing

fails to take you there

because there is a you

who is already there,

even before . . .

“the leap” to there.

Once you leap,

you can’t agree or disagree.

There are no more bleachers,

no more understandings,

and no more means,

just this leap of no means . . .

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