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Tuesday, August 8, 2023

what side are you on?

what if all issues are systemic 

and not sidedness?  

the lure is to pick a side

and take a stand as position and focus.

but that only address the sidedness,

which can be manufactured to appear as such.

the system that proposes sides

is of itself, un-curable.

and under are present somnambulistic mindsets, 

almost unaddressable in reach or confront.

the sides are then projections

of a deeper system that fosters and cultivates

that which appears as opposing sides.

it is an amoral perspective 

that manufactures moral positions,

as topically grounded in somewhat opposing views,

but are actually mutually funded

to be arch enemies of each other's views.

and they persist in an apparent dialogue

of projection for public consumption.

media makes us audience to this all.

yet projected from a deep unaccessible source

is that which gets no public attention,

and freely manipulates from beyond said coverage.

it works without public restraint

and leverages towards distractions 

away from deep cause presented.

that source has leverage in unspoken or undeclared ways,

for the public is only a palpable audience

to what is presented as real and apparent. 

mindsets are given menus to select from,

as if reality is served.

and dining is based on what was media offered.

we are made to believe 

that opinions about the 'food-subject' offered are relevant,

when questioning the cooks, the staff,

or inquiring about deep ownership,

their methods and motives, is not.

we may feast ourselves to death

and never get answers 

to the source of what we digest as real,

as if we are all well 

on a healthy diet of lies . . .

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