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Sunday, August 4, 2013

every religion's god * 8/4/13

Every religion does something
with the name of God.
Something in slanderous reference to;
a lesser god, a convenient god,
a self-referentialized god,
or an antropomorphized god,
like the humanizing of domesticated house pets
but with more shaded hypocrisy,
like beautifying house pillows everywhere
that are filled with the dirty laundry of lurid pasts,
that live as the stash,
giving substance to appearances.
adding value to god's great presence,
creating facades that depict our exaggerations
as aspects and facets
of our lordly ever loving god.
Steeped in bountiful symbolic presence,
these cymbals of god
provide for our relationship with god.
In all manner of relatedness,
god approves or disapproves
as all of god has been contextualized,
as all of god's wisdom has been translated
and put forth into verse and reason.
That we can come to know of god
by knowing for ourselves
of god's convenient representation.
The ripeness of religion
has been our major supplier
as the harvester of god as leader,
of god as the riddle of perfection,
of god as riddled with perfection,
of a god as parade marshal
of our procession through life.
There is a perfect god
for every circumstance.
Oh bring to me the prayer
to a god of interjection,
allow me the song
of a god of all circumstance,
may I be of postures
of humility and piousness
in all my movements,
that the god of entry
finds me as a horn of plenty,
that the keys to the city of heavenly abound
be in the likeness of a god of familiarity,
that I can go on into the story of god
and be appropriately the continued servant
of an informationally adept god
as messaging should go
in a godly format of revelation.
Find me in the simplest of manner,
biblical and righteous
for the god of morality,
powerful and merciful
for the god of political opinion,
beneficent and sublime
for the god of superlatives,
ironic and contradictory
for the god of cynicism,
cheap and trashy
for the god on the rebound,
dramatic and theatrical
for the god of stage presence,
milieu and genre
for the god of affectations,
barren and devoid
for the god of low life,
chilled and sparkly
for the god of quenchers,
dismissible and dejected
for the god of no self esteem,
and rejected and denied
for the god of the downtrodden.
May religion find for me
in my weakest moment,
a shoulder of supportive strength
but not as an opportunity for conversion.
May the humanity bleed through the deities
and lift my spirit's hungry state.
May I find belief to be anonymous
and faith to be this vastness,
couching vacantly in an empty bowl.
And the light that is shown to me,
shows through me,
casting neither shadows nor remains.
For it would be almost impossible
to show me the detailed chemistry of something
but all too easy supposedly
to show me a god of religion . . .

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