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Thursday, August 9, 2012

killing time 8/9/12

Does killing time harm eternity?

Is the mindset behind judgment

a form of self-paralysis?

Is revenge a sort of

emotionally cued memory test?

Is hate a method

for creating an internal environment

for disease to prosper?

Is putting another person

on a pedestal

just another expression

of fearing heights?

Isn't having a hero

a shallow means

of devaluing oneself?

If you are expressing love

to another person

which is it that you are revealing,

gratitude or hidden agenda?

If we shake hands

and come out fighting

is that boxing?

What essentially is the joy

of one’s life and not referentially so?

What constitutes crossing the line?

In long jumping,

why don't the judges mark

from where a person takes off

instead of that arbitrary board?

In every Olympic event

is it not first

an entertaining competition

and then potentially an endeavor

of human excellence?

Why does your body's surface

have labels that mostly have

no specific boundaries or edges?

In sporting events

is there a perfect elevation

above sea level

that is thin air for performance

and yet enough oxygen to breathe?

If one were to fall from grace

how high would one have

to have been?

If I sneeze and you bless me

then what do I have

for what I have done?

If the value for all physical activity

were based upon who you were

behind what you did

with what you had to work with

to express yourself

then what would that look like,

a kind of Special Olympics?

Isn't all of life without exception

only the Special Olympics?

If the growing of hair

was a competitive event,

would length be the only

or just the easiest way

of determining a winner?

Does practice really mean

play with no audience in mind?

If I tell you that I love you

is that demeaning by objectification?

If friendship were an agenda,

is it better to give or receive?

If you were smiling

where on your body

would that smile end?

If I am a stickler for details

is there gratification involved?

Where in the recognition process

does muscle become meat?

If it is a windy day,

how to determine if the wind is

being sucked or blown?

If when is a question

relative to time

then what is why all about?

If you took a movie of a sunset

or of a sunrise

and ran either one of them backwards

how could you tell which one is which?

You know that place on a spectrum

specifically where red ends exactly

and orange begins?

Which is more relevant:

why'd the chicken cross the road

or which came first

the chicken or the egg?

If a page was as thick as it was wide

would a book then be

like a train going by ?

If space is endless

then what is space locality in nature?

Is time only a space consideration?

Are crayons really colored

wickless candles

searching for a voice

other than that of a flame?

How lonely does a feather feel

once it is preened

from its life as wing?

Do details ever know

of themselves as such?

Do beads on a necklace

develop a sense for neighborhood?

And lastly, how does a button

from a man's shirt

ever converse with a button

from a child's Teddy bear's eye?

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