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Sunday, July 22, 2012

white cane 7/22/12

Experience is my white cane.

Reflectively I learn from grip

through interpretation as response.

Tension is me, hidden in my hand.

Is this, by sweep and contact,

the letting out of me?

A presence, through experience,

invisibly passing as cane work,

studied-ness into purposeful acts,

directedness into strategies,

accomplishment as if by display.

Simply humbled into pointy presence

as tapping is a tenderness of feel,

a prominence of touches as knocks

providing sentences of logical fill.

By my experiential grip,

I learn of soul,

perched with my talons

alternately upon this pole.

As if by search and deftness,

a script pores out of me,

signatured in pokes and passing.

If spirit be this long white lantern,

do my senses come to know

by cast or by contact

as reflection about my character?

Who of me

negotiates doing's elaborateness?

Who sews with these plots of intention?

Who of me seeks, with the lay of hand,

further definition of my existence?

What grip of mine

transfixed as personality,

expresses this patient angst applied

as fingers articulating cane?

I am held and withheld,

portrayed as fistful leads.

This hand puppet of me

holding on

as a white tongue of elocution

amidst life's colorless

three-dimensional void

presumed by most others

as an inevitable choir of pain.

My spirit leans task forward

as if a presence engaged

and so much consumed

as phantom to fill stature

is behind my actions

as my ever purposeful deeds.

So much of flame obscured

by this avalanche of contacts,

by this flash flood of response,

by this quicksand

of short lived acquisition,

by this famine

towards self insistence,

by this lust for inclusion's sake.

What upheaval strolls

this experiential life as me,

apparently as blind as stone

and yet as soul that knows . . . ?

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